This is the point I began researching how to get places cheaper and how to travel better. The more I read, the more I realized how naive I had been about frequent flyer programs, airline alliances, and related mileage earning activities. Whereas once they seemed like exclusive clubs for the wealthy or business traveler racking up lots of miles, I now understood how they could be a travel enabling tool for an average joe like myself.
I have churned credit cards, bought thousands of dollars worth of dollar coins just to deposit them, and bought and sold digital SLR cameras, all in the pursuit of miles. By doing this type of easy work, I have been to Southeast Asia, South America twice, Central America Once, and Hawaii for a small fraction of the actual worth (usually only taxes). I only wish I had this knowledge earlier, so I urge you to read up and become educated.
These are the resources I have found most useful, and refer to on a weekly (or even daily) basis, to keep on top of the frequent flyer world:
Shopping Portal Info
Flight Searching
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